JoyceWalks :::

participatory walking art 2008


(on footsteps) They cannot be counted because they each unit has a qualitative character: a style of tactile apprehension and kinesthetic appropriation. Their swarming mass is an innumerable collection of singularities. Their intertwining paths give their shape to spaces. They weave places together. In that respect, pedestrian movements form one of those real systems whose existence in fact makes up the city. Michel deCerteau

JoyceWalks is a psychogeographical tool which generates walking maps based on routes from James Joyce's Ulysses in any city in the world using Google Maps. The project draws on the traditional Bloomsday celebrations which take place every June 16th in Dublin involving reenactments of scenes from Joyce's seminal novel of the city.

The system prints maps to be used as the basis of walks exploring the city of your choice and generates mash-ups using your pictures and videos documenting these walks to share with other users.

Inspired by the Situationist Dérive JoyceWalks is a participatory spatial tool which overlays virtual layers of meaning over real space enabling the user to create temporary location based interventions and temporary social spaces which tactically insert themselves into the urban environment, allowing users to inscribe a new set of meanings onto the very fabric of the city.

More than 600 JoyceWalks have taken place in over 70 cities worldwide.

Visit JoyceWalks

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Net Works, case studies of internet art, ed. Xtine Burroughs: Routledge 2011.

ISEA 2009. Conference paper "JoyceWalks: remapping Culture as Tactical Space"

Vague Terrain Magazine "cityScene"


Joyce in Art, Museum of Art, Seoul National University July-September 2011.

Joyce's Artistic Effects Tolstoy Museum Yasnaya Polyana Russia, 2010.

JoyceWalks, Palma de Mallorca. Fundacio Joan i Pilar Miro, Mallorca, 2009.

Art Tech Media 08 Cordoba Spain, 2008.

The Art of Research: Research Narratives Chelsea College of of Art & Design, 2008

Best in Show Digital Hub Dublin, 2007.

NCAD MA Graduate Exhibition, 2007.



JoyceWalks Screen



Conor McGarrigle 2018   Link to my Twitter account